How OSINT Enthusiast Do Research On Email Address?

by Om P.
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Email Hacking OSINT

Emails are very common these days, everybody uses Email in their day to day lives. No matter if it was about to communicate with someone or just want to signup for a website, we all use Email daily and that’s why OSINT investigator often target your email and use them to research about you!

In this post, I am going to share all the resources used by OSINT folks in their work you will be shocked to know how much information just a single email can give about someone.

Often OSINT or business intelligence folks found these emails on a breach at companies or leaked database and then they start to do their work of investigation. Following are the tools which hacker/OSINT folks use to Investigate Email.

Keep in mind that these tools are build for some specific purpose and you should only use them for Ethical purpose.

1] Hunter . io
2] MailTester
3] Central Ops
4] Voilanorber
5] Harvester
6] Email DNS
7] ThatsThem
8] DomainBigData
9] Whoxy
10] Haveibeenpwnd
11] Dehashed
12] MxToolBox
13] ReverseGenie
Table for Email Information Gathering

Closing words: These websites are used for email research and gathering metadata regarding the email address. Use them carefully to make sure that you are not doing anything illegal or you are not harming anyone while using these websites.

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