How To Get More Views on Your Instagram Stories

by Om P.
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Instagram logo more views engagement stories

Instagram is one of the most popular and famous social media platform out there. A survey says that an individual user spent almost about 4 hours a day using Instagram. Instagram is highly addictive all because of its content and features it introduces over time from frequent updates. Most of us are social influencers or content creators or even if you are not one you still want more followers and more engagement on profile. Instagram is a good place but the problem is its algorithm. Instagram algorithm design in a strange way that after some time if you are not frequent enough or maybe due to various reason if you fail to meet the criteria your account’s reach may get reduce, and Instagram will ask you to pay money and advertise on their platform ads. so they can make money from you. When you skip out the idea to promote your Instagram by Instagram ads you see a massive decrease in your followers or in your reach. And you can avoid that by maximizing your reach by following and implementing the following methods:

In this article, we are going to show you 5 ways to get more views on your profile and your Instagram stories and more engagement on your posts. This will give you massive growth in your reach and your followers if you did it the right way.

Post Quality Content

The first and very important thing is to prepare very good quality content. Make sure to use a lot of stickers launched by Instagram which is new and trending like festive stickers or vaccination sticker which was a trend when launched. Post Unique videos and other interesting content to make your post look attractive. Take the help of all the social media apps that will help you to create a beautiful Instagram story. we have shared some APK in the telegram group as well so do check them out.
Posting quality content will also increase the engagement in your profile and also more people will visit your stories so make sure you post only quality and original content with attractive and trendy stickers.

Use Location

While posting any kind of Instagram story or photo make sure to use the location feature provided by Instagram. Using the location feature will not only boost your reach but also an idea to Instagram so more people will see your post from that region. What I mean to say is when you tag your location in an Instagram story or photo all the people who belong to that location are categorized as one so they can see photos and stories of who had been there. So many people who belong to the same region can be able to see your photos and stories which will result in increase story views and followers.

Tag other accounts.

When you tag other accounts then a notification reaches another account and they checked the posts which increases the engagement. When you mention someone in your story chances are that they will reshare your stories and thus views on your story will increase so make sure you tag as many accounts as possible to boost your story and post views.

Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags are one of the coolest things provided by Instagram. Hashtags can give you massive reach and story views when you mention them in your stories or in a photo. If you are not comfortable with using hashtags or on your stories here is a trick for you, just copy and paste in a maximum number of hashtags which is 30 hashtags and change its color to the background color and make the size as small as possible so it won’t be visible, in this way the hashtag will be present in the stories but nobody will able to see it. Hashtags are great way to get more views on your stories and posts.

Use trending stickers

Instagram is constantly updating the stickers adding new stickers according to new trends. When a new festival or a trend arrives Instagram updates its sticker store. Using new stickers will not only increase your reach in the followers but your account may get it to feature in different people’s account views, it does not only increase your reach but also boost your followers. This will you a massive increase in post and account engagement.

Ask your followers to comment

Comments are a very important parameter while considering the algorithm used by Instagram to decide whether a post is good or not. however there are other parameters involved as well, comments are the easiest to get and can help you to get more reach. Ask your followers to comment on posts or you may also ask questions regularly to get massive engagement.

Closing Words: These are very easy and yet effective ways to get more reach on Instagram. These ways will surely help you to get more engagement but keep in mind that this will not happen instantly, you have to be patient enough to see the effect.

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