In today’s modern world of internet and technology everything is available online, no matter if you have on your own business or you just want to create your online presence having a website is very essential. However most of us are not familiar with the web development or coding experience, well there are pretty much websites that will let you create your own website without coding with and drag and drop component. There is nothing wrong with drag and drop component website building but the problem with this is that they are not free and they will charge you heavy fees. So in this article I have provided a list of websites where you can download free HTML template and using that you can build your own website.
Free Websites That offer FREE HTML5 Templates
Note: Most of the websites offer free templates under creative common license but you should be careful and understand the terms before using them.
Closing Words: Downloading HTML templates is a great way to build your website, it will speed up your development and also provides you great flexibility. Keep in mind that all these websites provide you FREE templates still each of them has a different license so read and understand the usage and license of them before using them.