How To Stream Torrent Movies/Series In Realtime

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When you use the torrent to download movie or series or any video file, you first have to download the complete file and only after when the download finishes you can stream(play) the video file which is like kind of annoying for the people like me who have a less patience.

What If I tell you that there’s a way to stream Torrent file without downloading like playing a YouTube video or playing a Netflix Movie/series ? Well it’s possible now and In this article I am going to tell you how to stream the torrent files in Realtime!

To stream Torrent video you have a download a software known as WebTorrent.

This software allows you to stream the file without the need to download so that people like you & me who have less patience can use this software to stream without the need of download

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WebTorrent is written in JavaScript and uses WebRTC for peer-to-peer transport, so whenever possible. No browser plugins, extensions, or installation is required to use WebTorrent in your browser.

You an use this to stream torrent movies or series

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