Save Your IP From Hackers!

by Jacob
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Ip address

An Internet Protocol (IP) Address is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet. The IP address allows computers to send and receive information. If a hacker knows your IP address, they can use it to get your valuable information like your location and the name of your current Internet Service Provider. Using this information they could start an attack to hack your data.


An IP address might look like something similar to Now let’s discuss what Hackers could do with your IP address.

The hacker can scan your network and they will be able to get information like your OS, Ports etc. The hackers can scan your vulnerabilities and can start attacks to gain control of your device. They can do multiple attacks and gain control of what they want. It all depends on what is the motive of the hacker. A hacker can use these basic information against you.

How to find out your IP address

You can find your IP address by just going to this site whatismyIPAddress, this site will also display some additional information like your ISP and the city you are living in. Now, on this site, you will see both IPV4 and IPV6, both are basically the same thing. These are different version of Internet protocol. IP Version 6 is the new version of Internet Protocol and it is way better than IP version 4.

How to save yourself from hackers

There are way to hide your IP address so that hackers cannot get it. Let’s see some meathods to hide your IP address.

1. Use a VPN

A Virtual Private Network or a VPN acts as an intermediary server that encrypts your connection on the internet. It also hides your IP address. It plays a vital part in your overall digital defence. While using a VPN your IP address is hidden because your traffic takes a detour to the VPN server. So the traffic reaches its destination under a virtual IP address. Only the VPN provider can see your IP address, so make sure you use a good and trustworthy VPN.

2. Use a Tor

Tor is an internet browser that allows you to surf the internet anonymously. It is a worldwide network of servers that are specifically made for private communication. Tor might feel slow because your traffic is relayed through a series of three relay nodes. If you want a faster option VPN might be good for you.

3. Use a proxy

A proxy server acts as an intermediary server separating the end-user clients from the destinations. Some proxy servers mask your IP address with another one. Unlike a VPN most proxies do not encrypt your traffic and sometimes anyone could intercept your traffic. Always choose a very good proxy.

Closing Words: It is important to hide your IP address so that you can get some more privacy on the internet. It might not be possible to hide your IP address from everyone, as your ISP can see some details about your traffic even using a VPN, but they won’t know the specific data about it. The primary purpose is to hide your IP address from hackers and other 3rd party observers

ALSO READ: How To Grab Someone’s IP Address?
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